5 - 8 December 2023

Wayward Initiatives

Istanbul, Turkey

The Değişken İnisiyatifler / Wayward Initiatives symposium brought together peripheral art initiatives from Türkiye and Sweden in order to open up a common discussion about methodologies, formats and cultural resilience. Held between 5 - 8 December, the first meeting of the program took place at İMÇ, SAHA Studio's new location, with visits to 5533, Imalathane and 400 x 118, located in the same building.  

The symposium took the form of workshops, site visits, presentations and events over the course of three days. During the program,How does one develop artistic methodologies in relation to working in a hyper-local context? How can one engage in cultural heritage and local histories? Can the production of art have a positive effect on the environment? How can we design adaptable and multifarious spaces which ensure sustainability? questions were explored together.

The project was initiated by the Consulate General of Sweden and developed in collaboration with SAHA and Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV). The project is supported by the Swedish Arts Council together with IASPIS the Swedish Arts Grants Committee ́s International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts.

Participating Initiatives: 
Arazi Assembly
, Mardin 
Coyote, Stockholm
Hayy Open Space, Izmir
Ka Atölye, Ankara
Kulturhane, Mersin
Kultivator, Öland
Loading, Diyarbakir
Postane, İstanbul
Ställbergs Gruva, Ljusnarsberg 
SUB, Çanakkale 


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