23 September - 31 October 2024

9th Sinopale

Sinopale | Sinop, Türkiye

SAHA supports the 9th Sinopale between 23 September – 31 October 2024.

This year’s theme for Sinopale, “Before All Runs Out: Cosmos of New Values,” invites individuals and communities to rethink their impact on the world and explore new value systems for a sustainable future. The theme goes beyond creating new values out of nothing and aims to reinterpret values that have existed in the collective memory of humanity and nature for millennia. By opening up a discussion on human and natural values that we have either instrumentalized or ignored in today’s world, it prompts a deeper understanding of them.

Within the scope of this edition, SAHA supports Fulya Çetin,Özgür Demirci, Suat Öğüt, Işık Güner, Seçil Yaylalı, Tayfun Erdoğmuş, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Zafer Akşit, Server Demirtaş, Korhan Başaran, Aytekin Olgunsoy, Can Bora, Gülce Nur Ertopuz, Pınar Akkurt, Videoist (Ferhan Kamil Satıcı & Hülya Özdemir), Banu Uğural, Neva Özcü,Yeşim Uzunöz along with the co-curators Deniz Erbaş, İpek M. Sur and Melike Bayık.


About Sinopale

Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial is a culture-oriented international public event encouraging participation, collective production of thought and action through contemporary art. The event, which is held every two years, aims to work at urban, national and international levels in order to re-perceive their own living spaces, reflect on urban problems, share historical memory, and create a better living space.


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