6 JUNE 2023

Motley Jitters | Workshop

We are talking our states of womanhood with Motley Jitters!

Are you bothered that your bachelorhood or motherhood is questioned? Are you judged because you feel jittery before your period? Has your mother slapped you when you had your period for the first time, or have you hidden this from everyone? Did you have to explain why you wanted an abortion? Have they called you menapausal to label you? You are not alone. We all have gone through, and still are going through similar stuff.

Would you like to talk about these states of womanhood in a non-judgmental circle? We'd love to hear your experiences.

6 June 2023, Tuesday
2-4 pm
SAHA Studio

Please mind that the workshop is held in Turkish.
The event is free of charge, but is limited to 15 people.
To register, please mail to:

*Motley Jitters is supported within the scope of SAHA Sustainability Fund.


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